Labour to publish manifesto on Thursday

The Conservative Party manifesto launch is currently scheduled for between Monday and Wednesday next week, according to the Guido Fawkes website, which also reported next Thursday date’s for Labour…reports Asian Lite News

Labour has pencilled in its general election manifesto launch for Thursday June 13. Plans were being drawn up to hold the launch — which has not been officially confirmed — in a marginal seat in the north of England, two of those people added. They cautioned that dates and details could still move due to the frenetic nature of an election campaign.

Roughly 80 Labour officials will meet in a secret location in London on Friday to sign off the party’s manifesto in a process known as the ‘Clause V’ meeting. There will be tight security for attendees after the manifesto leaked in 2017.

Labour officials are expecting few surprises as much of the party’s platform has already been spelt out through its National Policy Forum. However, items agreed in the NPF could be tweaked, excluded or watered down.

The Conservative Party manifesto launch is currently scheduled for between Monday and Wednesday next week, according to the Guido Fawkes website, which also reported next Thursday date’s for Labour.

The Green Party has scheduled its launch for Wednesday 12 June. The Liberal Democrats will launch their manifesto next week, but have not announced a date. Smaller parties often wait for the diary to become clear to maximize media coverage and avoid clashing with larger rivals.

ALSO READ-Labour to shift stance on Palestine  

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